PS: don’t believe in the title

TLDR: This blog covers my older portfolio webiste made using zola

I have been planning to setup a blog / portfolio website for quite a time now, basically I wanted to talk about my noob Opensource contributions - and wanted to document few that I found really interesting and loved solving.

I was looking for a very minimalistic setup to setup this website - basically I didn’t wanted to spend anytime coding a Responsive frontend in HTML, didn’t wanted to worry about managing any server to deploy my website and an easy solution that just lets me focus on blogging primarily.

My main motivations to finally get this website up were the constant nudges I have got from my friends to blog and then finding which is made using zola. I 🍴ed the repo and it was quite easy to edit everything. I will be playing around with css a bit to give it a more minimalistic look, but I am happy with the current settings.

I intend to use this platform to document my thoughts and work. You can expect mini-blogs where I discuss specific pull requests (PRs) I’ve made to open-source projects and share my experiences while traveling or trying out new things. 😉