p5 is a Python library that provides high level drawing functionality to help you quickly create simulations and interactive art using Python. It combines the core ideas of Processing.
PS: Let me know if you want to help maintain this project!
Refactoring of code to support single pattern to support multiple renderers at runtime
My first exposure to implementing singleton design pattern. This PR basically dealt with refactoring the code base to remove dependency on Vispy specific APIs.
This was interesting problem to figure out as I had to use virtual buffers to enable visual testing on GitHub Actions, and some interesting work arounds to run different sketches on run-time.
In this one, I had to use binary search (finally) in typography PR, to implement text-wrap functionality.
I am looking for co-maintainers to better maintain the project. If this excites you - do reachout.
Here is the Product Work Report summarizing my stint as a Processing fellow